Pt. 8487
Pt. 8418B
Pt. 7820B
OK; I haven't really been doing nothing since last September. Snow blankets most of the high country, but the
For this one, I got together with fellow local climbers Doug Hatfield and Susan Paul. A quick look at the map shows two other ranked peaks in the same vicinity, so it only made sense to try to nail all three of them on a single trip. We figured a 12-hour day would suffice. This might seem surprising, since the loop route was only about 7.5 miles long, with about 3,700 ft. of vertical. The catch is that it’s all bushwhacking; other than some dirt road walking at the beginning and the end, there is no trail to follow. Some navigation skills definitely required, YMMV.
Doug picked me up in the dark just after
So…we drove up the
This one took a little longer, but it was very pleasant because, once we got a bit above the saddle, we were hiking in early morning sunshine. We followed the twisted ridge roughly west, over or around several major ridge points. At about
We backtracked a bit, to head down the crest of a south-leading ridge into
After descending to the road, we simply stepped across the small creek, and began the final climb of the day. Our objective was now hidden from us, being located half a mile or so south of a more prominent ridge point at about 8,300 ft. Naturally, on this north-facing slope, we had to slog through a little snow, but gaiters were all the equipment that was necessary.
Finally, about
When we came to the final saddle, we decided that the most efficient route to the top would be to traverse off to our left (southeast), and make the final approach to the summit from the east. It was shady, and therefore snowy, but considerably more gently sloped than the west side of the top.
The traverse involved some serious side-hilling to get around a sharp corner, and the going was slower than anything we had encountered earlier. After we turned the corner, it didn’t really get any easier, as we were presented with the steepest climbing of the day. It was only about 50 vertical feet to the summit, but it was steep, loose, and still choked with vegetation.
But we made it, and got to the summit about
Rather than re-climb the ridge between Turkey Creek and Little Turkey Creek Canyons, we dropped down somewhat to the east of our upward route, and found the road leading down to the east. We knew if we followed this road down, we would come around the east end of the ridge, and come to the gate at which we had turned aside on the way in. From there it would be just a short hike back up to the north to the car.
There was, however, one thing upon which we had not counted. On the way in, we had gone perhaps a hundred yards up-canyon from an open gate. When we came back up that road, just as darkness fell (about
At that point, we had no choice but to collect what we needed from the car (which in my case was everything), and start hiking by starlight back out toward Highway 115. Things were really getting interesting.
We got perhaps halfway when headlights came up the road from the east. After they stopped and asked us if we needed help, and we rather humbly explained our situation, the most amazing series of events happened. First, they said that they would open the gate for us. (There was some initial confusion as to which gate it was, but that got cleared up in due course.) Then, against all odds and our expectations, they invited us to ride back with them to there house, which was located at the road junction where we had turned right in the morning. While the husband, Mike, drove Doug back up the road to retrieve his car, the wife, Beege, invited Susan and me in to warm up.
After Mike and Doug returned, we spent about an hour chatting and learning some of the history of the area. Instead of being mad at us, Mike and Beege showed a great deal of understanding of our situation (even though we had to explain to them what a “ranked peak” was!), and even served us hot chocolate while we warmed up in their dining room.
Finally, we said our goodbyes, with hugs all around, and piled back into Doug’s liberated car for the ride home. It was after
I took a few photos on the trip, and my photo gallery, which includes a few taken by Doug and Susan, is at: