With a beautiful July day at my disposal, I decided to take the longer and less explored route from the south, starting practically in my back yard, in North Cheyenne Cañon. I knew it would involve some off-trail bushwhacking, and greater distance than the northern route, but was otherwise perfectly doable.
I hit the Gold Camp Road closure parking lot shortly before sunrise, and found not a single other car there ahead of me. I wore just summer running clothes with a long-sleeved shirt to ward off the early morning chill. (The temperature would fall to around 50° F before the day’s warming began.)
I had covered the first parts of the route many times before: up the Seven Bridges Trail, which follows North Cheyenne Creek, and then north into Jones Park. This was the route I had taken nearly three months earlier, ultimately reaching Tuckaway Mountain. But this time, instead of following the trail as it turned west to access Tuckaway’s south slopes, I headed uphill, through light timber, approximately northeast to reach a saddle on the ridge between Tuckaway (on the west) and Mt. Garfield (which I had climbed in the spring of 2006, on the east).
I had hoped that, when I got to the top of the ridge, I would be able to see the remainder of my route fairly clearly. That route was intended to be fairly close to a beeline: down a bit into the Willow Creek drainage, across the creek at some point, left around the lower portion of the long, skinny ridge which runs north-northwest down from Mt. Garfield, and up the gentle south slopes of Cameron Cone.
When I got there and started down, however, I found that the timber was too dense to allow anything like an obstructed view across the land ahead. I would have to go basically on dead reckoning. What’s more, I also found that the terrain was rocky in many places, necessitating scrambling or bouldering going both up and down, and, where it wasn’t rocky, it was usually choked with a great deal of timber, both living and downed. Thus, the going was slow.
It was also confusing. So much so that I drifted off much too far to my right (east). I crossed the creek, but when I started climbing on the other side, thinking I was heading more or less directly for my goal, I eventually discovered that I was actually climbing that long, skinny ridge I had intended to avoid entirely! Mind you, this realization came only after I had actually climbed all the way to the ridge crest and clambered over, or around, two or three rocky ridge points.
The ridge points seemed to be gradually getting higher, leading me to think that I might actually be approaching my summit. In fact, as I discovered after at least the third one, there was little difference in elevation between them, and I had done some unnecessary climbing. Coming up over that last ridge point, I finally got a recognizable view of the south slopes of Cameron Cone, and, worse, I saw the saddle below those slopes a couple of hundred feet below me.
The descent to that saddle, although not very long, was slow, just like the rest of my route in that vicinity, due to the combination of dense wood and sizeable rocks. Thankfully, at least, the rock is good and solid, not loose and treacherous.
Once I got down to the saddle, the final climb to the summit was much easier. The south-facing slope, which bakes in the sunshine, supports less plant growth, so the land is more open. This allows a better view of where one is and where one is going, and puts fewer bushes and trees in the way. Only the last hundred vertical feet or so was rocky, and even this was easy, since the slope is quite gentle--much easier to negotiate than my descent on the other side.
I found the summit marked with a pole secured in a pile of rocks, and my GPS showed an altitude of 10,715--just eight feet different from the topo map figure for this peak, so I knew I was there. Finally! It had taken me almost five hours, although it was only about seven miles. My camera had been acting strangely all morning, so I took only a few pictures. The photo at the top of this post is actually from a different trip, taken earlier this spring. Unfortunately, the one I took of Pikes Peak, just five miles to the west from this vantage point, fell under the “acting strangely” rubric and didn’t come out.
The weather was beautiful, though. I had long since shed my long-sleeved shirt, and started drinking deeply from the large bottle of ice water I had started out with. I called home on Suzi’s cell phone (which she had gently insisted that I take to keep her worry level down), but, as luck would have it, this was when she was out walking for her own health, so I had to leave a message.
The views from this peak are really quite good, and also unusual. A wide swath of the city can be seen to the east. (Of course: The mountain can be seen quite prominently from a large part of the city!) But also, there’s the unusual view of Rocky Mountain and Mount Manitou across the Ruxton Creek drainage to the north, the rather close-up view of Pikes Peak (the summit buildings are clearly visible without optical aid), Horsetooth Reservoir and Lake Moraine below and to the west, and the seldom-seen north sides of Mt. Garfield, Mt. Arthur, and Tenney Crags to the south.
What, unfortunately can not be seen is Jones Park and the route back, which is hidden by that ridge I’d crossed earlier. I took in what I could see as best I could, determined not to make the same route finding mistake(s) I had made on the way up.
I angled to my right as I descended, and did indeed miss the Garfield ridge. I dropped gently to Willow Creek and then began to climb up, trending to my right (west) as I went up and south. The bad new is that, while I didn’t repeat my earlier mistake, I made a new one of the same variety! I didn’t climb steeply enough, and traversed much too far to my right. Thus, I went well past the saddle I was aiming for, and ended up climbing a significant portion of the north side of Tuckaway Mountain. I finally topped out, after some more of that slow rocks-followed-by-timber stuff, in the first saddle east of Tuckaway. This was at least a quarter mile west of where I had intended to come out, but at least at that point, I could see where I was going again.
I basically just dropped directly down to the trail, re-joining it well to the west of where I had left it in the morning. There, I paused to remove the small collection of pebbles I had managed to get in one of my shoes, and headed off downhill for the relatively quick and uneventful return to the trailhead. My return trip took about three hours and forty minutes. Had I managed to follow my intended route, it would probably have been closer to three hours flat.
Still, it was a great day to spend in the mountains, and I finally checked off a significant El Paso County summit that I’d been contemplating for some time. The few pictures I took are at:
Long life and many peaks